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Whether you’re taking a partial vacation, periodically checking emails on the road, or you work remotely and live in an RV full-time, there’s plenty of helpful information to maximize your time and make it easier to keep generating income no matter where you are. Especially nowadays, remote work and RV living has become a new normal as more and more individuals pack up their homes and hit the road, be it for a few months or a few years. The common question, of course, is how to fund such an experience and what do I need to be successful? Here’s everything you need to work remotely from your RV.


Naturally, for most professions nowadays, computers are an important fixture for working on-the-road. It’s a clear choice, but here are some helpful pointers that might not be so obvious: be sure and keep your warranty handy, in case something malfunctions and you need to get something fixed or replaced, and always be certain to keep your laptop in safe, clean condition and stowed properly. You don’t want your computer damaged from a bumpy road, or to have something spill on it, or to inadvertently leave it exposed in extreme temperatures. Oh, and an extra charging cord doesn’t hurt to have around, either.


One of the most important aspects of remote RV work is staying connected, and WiFi access plays an integral role. In order to ensure that you’re always able to log on, even in off-the-beaten-path locations with limited cell reception or WiFi options, you’d be wise to purchase a mobile WiFi device. You can snag one that will attach right to your dashboard (so that you can keep it plugged in and charged) and provide you with all-important backup service whenever you need it. This way you needn’t worry about falling out of communication or falling behind on projects.


If you’re doing a lot of driving and moving from place-to-place in your RV, a hands-free phone headset comes in… handy. A lot of remote jobs these days require periodic (at least) phone calls in some capacity, and if you’ve got your hands on the wheel, this frees you up to stay in touch without having to park somewhere and waste time at a rest area. It’s really the safest means of multi-tasking.


Really no matter what your work scenario is, coffee is the lifeblood for many. But there’s something about having a coffee machine on-hand in your RV that makes a huge difference in a lot of ways. For one, the act and routine of brewing coffee in the morning lends a comforting sense of home, which could help mitigate any lingering homesickness. Another thing is it saves you from having to constantly stop off at coffee shops, struggling to find parking space for an RV and spending daily dollars when you probably should be watching your expenses.


When you whittle all your belongings and space down to fit inside an RV, organization becomes hugely important, lest things run amok and literally pile up in various cabinets and drawers. Stock up on a handful of file organizers, which are super helpful in categorizing things like bills, receipts, tax forms, mail, and such. On top of this, select one specific area or cabinet where you keep these work things, and make sure not to mix it with other items.


Let’s fact it. You can’t always rely on the standard electrical outlets in an RV, especially if you’re boondocking somewhere or simply aren’t fully hooked up to an electrical source. Here’s where portable batteries come in, ensuring that you’re able to keep your laptop and phone charged, no matter where you are. You can keep your battery charged whenever you’re hooked up somewhere, and then use it when you’re not.


This isn’t really a specific item, but more so a state of mind and a sense of organization. Somewhat surprisingly, one of the biggest challenges of working remotely, especially in a confined space like an RV, is finding that work/life balance and separating work from personal life. The best way to maintain that healthy distinction is by creating some sort of designated space where you work, and keeping your work there. Once you’re done with work, close your laptop and unplug for the evening. For some, this can be as simple as designating a specific chair as a work chair; for others, it might entail creating some sort of physical barrier, like a door or a curtain. It might sound menial, but it has a huge impact on mental clarity and social health.

Born and raised in New Hampshire, Matt Kirouac grew up with a love for camping and the outdoors. Though he’s lived in Chicago since 2006, he’s always on the lookout for new adventures. He writes about travel and food for outlets like TripExpert, Money Inc, Upventur, DiningOut, Food Fanatics magazine, Plate Magazine and Zagat, and he currently serves as Chicago editor for What Should We Do?! He’s the author of The Hunt Guides: Chicago (2016) and Unique Eats & Eateries of Chicago (2017).

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