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Money-Saving Travel Hacks While RVing

Money-Saving Travel Hacks While RVing

RVing is a fun way to spend time with family and loved ones. Whether you have your own RV or plan to rent one, there are plenty of ways to save money while RV traveling. Learn how to save money on RV camping so you and your family can have fun on a budget.

How to Save Money While RVing

Costs can add up quickly while traveling, from gas and food to unexpected expenses. Make the most out of your trip by following some RV traveling hacks to help save money. Here are five ways you can cut costs while doing plenty of sightseeing:

1. Prepare Your Own Food and Drinks

Eating out at restaurants is fun, but it can quickly make an RV trip expensive. To save money while camping, you can purchase groceries and make your own meals. Even if your RV does not have a full kitchen, many campgrounds offer spaces for building fires or supply a fire ring or grill. 

2. Regularly Maintain Your RV

Keeping up with your RV's maintenance ensures it is ready to go by the time of your trip and reduces the chances of unexpected breakdowns. This can save you money and decrease the likelihood of unexpected expenses for emergency repairs. 

3. Save Money on Gas

Fuel prices are different everywhere. You can save money when refilling your tank by finding gas stations with lower prices. If possible, go into town to fuel up instead of going to the highway gas station. Gas stations in town typically have lower gas prices.

4. Find Free and Low-Cost Activities

RV camping is a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors and explore the local attractions. You and your family can continue saving money during your trip by finding free and low-cost activities to do. Visiting parks, hiking trails and must-see sights are often free or low cost. Exploring nearby towns and immersing yourself in the local culture is another low-cost way to have fun on your RV trip.

Plan to stay at a campground that provides fun activities and all-inclusive recreation to maximize your fun and minimize your spending.

5. Plan Longer Stays

Many campgrounds offer decreased rates for campers who plan to stay longer. If you want to save some money, you can find campgrounds with special deals for guests who camp for a week or longer. Staying in one spot longer helps save money because you will be traveling less and not refueling as much.

Save Money at Cape Charles/Chesapeake Bay KOA Resort

If you want to stay at a campground with fun activities and great deals, you will not want to miss Cape Charles/Chesapeake Bay KOA Resort. We offer weeklong stay discounts and military/service discounts. You can even save 15% when you book a seven-night stay with us. If you are active or retired military, we want to thank you by offering a 20% discount.

Start planning your money-saving RV trip by booking a campsite at Cape Charles/Chesapeake Bay KOA Resort!

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