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Camp Care Weekend, May 13-14, 2022

Camp Care Weekend, May 13-14, 2022

Our Camp Care weekend is fast approaching. As we are camping this weekend, many children are in hospitals fighting with cancer. Please give back this weekend so a child can go to camp and forget about hospitals and their fight with cancer. Please donate to this cause because we enjoy each and everyday outside and these kids get to do it once a year, making friends and new memories.  Please Donate at the KOA office or at the Camp store this weekend or anytime. 

  Here's what Care Camps is about: This was posted from https://carecamps.org/ - Care Camps is a non-profit that helps children struggling with cancer and their families to find hope and healing through special oncology camps. Each camp provides the medical care the kids need, but in a summer camp setting, so kids can experience the healing power of nature and friendship. While at camp, kids can finally forget about the chemo, the needles, and all the hard stuff that comes with cancer, and just be a kid again. While at camp, kids find joy and laughter in typical “summer camp” activities, like hiking, horseback riding, swimming, and singing around a campfire, with “modifications” to meet any special medical care needs or physical limitations. Most importantly, kids will build crucial friendships with others who truly understand what it is like to be going through this battle; it is often these friendships that help kids get through their darkest hours. While hospitals focus on treating the disease, camps focus on healing the emotional scars that are left behind by cancer. Most camps also offer unique programming for the siblings of kids dealing with cancer, as they often are an unintentional casualty of the cancer diagnosis; siblings often feel like they became invisible overnight. At camp, they are “seen” again, and get to connect with other kids who are like them.

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